This wheelchair was donated courtesy of The Handicapped Pets Foundation!


UPDATE ON BELLA: 2/13/2021:  Bella underwent surgery on 2/11/2021.  The surgeon reports that surgery went well, and Bella is recuperating at home.  Although she has a wheelchair at her disposal, the vet opines that the chair should be postponed until such time as healing of the FHO surgery has completed.  He fears that she could tip over in the chair and injure her repair.  It will be four weeks until Bella’s progress can be accurately assessed, due especially to the complication of the patella-tendon rupture on the alternate leg.  Updates will occur.

UPDATE ON BELLA: 2/8/2021:   Bella was seen for pre-op consult by Dr. Culbertson of Town and Country Animal Hospital in Ocala.  Unfortunately, it was discovered that, although the plan is for FHO surgery on the right hip, the left leg has sustained a patella-tendon rupture, making it impossible for Bella to stand on that leg without very expensive and tricky surgery to either repair the tear or to fuse the leg.  That issue will severely compromise her recovery from the FHO surgery, as she will have no way to move without putting pressure on the operated side, which could negate the positive effects of the procedure.  We have secured  a wheelchair, hoping that such a step might make it possible for the operated hip to heal (4 week recovery under the best of circumstances).  The family has decided to go ahead with  the FHO surgery, as there is no viable option without it.  CHAIN will support the FHO surgery and pray for the best possible result.  Thank you all for your continuing help, and will continue to update following surgery on 2/11/2021.

On Christmas day of 2020, Bella the dog escaped from her sliding glass doors, we think due to fear of nearby fireworks.  Her family was away visiting Grandma in Daytona Beach for the day.  When they arrived home, Bella was gone.  Little did they know that Bella had run and been hit by a car, then dragged ten feet.  The kind man who hit her called Animal Control, staying with her until they arrived.  Bella was taken to Animal Services and had her leg stitched.  She had many other injuries, but AC did what they could.  Bella’s family located her, and saw the extent of her injuries.  They were in no position to fund her veterinary treatment.  In fact, the family car’s transmission had been slipping all the way from Daytona to Ocala, and that was their only mode of transportation.  Bella lives with 4 children, three of whom are autistic.  She is an emotional support dog for the children, sensing when they might have a meltdown, and quickly appearing on the scene to calm and comfort them.  This is no ordinary dog!

FL C.H.A.I.N. was contacted to see if we could help.  We paid the initial vet bill, including x-rays, pain meds, wound care, and antibiotics.  Bella went home with her family, but all was not well.  The wound began to smell, and the tissue was turning necrotic on the leg.  In addition, her hip on the other side had “popped out” twice.  Bella had to sleep on her painfully torn up leg, as her other side could not handle the pressure of the bad hip.  A re-visit to the vet resulted in the news that, if the infection could not be cleared, Bella would likely need an amputation.  To complicate her pain, Bella had bitten her tongue so hard that a piece of her tongue was severed.  In addition, her ankle was abraded when she was dragged.

Bella needed an orthopedic bed to try to aid her comfort.  The SPCA of Ocala kindly stepped in with a donation for that. Additional monies were raised through the donations of wonderful people, allowing C.H.A.I.N. to continue to assist Bella’s recovery.  Updates will continue on sweet Bella’s progress.

January 22nd, 2021 UPDATE:  Bella’s leg and ankle continue to heal.  She was last evaluated by her vet a few days ago, and was sent home with pain meds and a follow-up appointment for one month.  It appears that the leg has been saved and will not require amputation!  However, Bella’s contralateral hip is another story.  She has not been able to sustain femur placement, and will likely require FHO surgery when she is stronger.  She will be evaluated for surgery in three weeks.


Review and Update of the story of Bella:

Bella was hit by a car on Christmas day. Her family had been in Daytona visiting with Grandma. Fireworks near the family home had apparently terrified Bella, and somehow, she broke out of the slider door and was hit and dragged in the road. The good guy who had hit her by a good Samaritan, stayed by Bella’s side until Marion County Animal Services came for her. She was severely injured. She had very deep lacerations on her leg and ankle, had bitten a chunk of her tongue out, and had dislocated her hip. Animal Services stitched up her leg as an emergency procedure, but was not equipped to do more. Meanwhile, the family, unaware of the accident, was crawling home in their vehicle which was having serious transmission problems. When they finally arrived home and found Bella missing, they contacted Animal Services, and were devastated to learn of her severe injuries. They did not have the funds to save her, especially in view of the unexpected expense of getting their family vehicle repaired. Bella was taken to Silver Springs Shores animal Hospital in Ocala, and the family was faced with expenses which were beyond their means. FL CHAIN was contacted, and stepped in to help. There was a serious question as to whether Bella’s lacerated leg could be saved or would require amputation. The full extent of her injuries was not even known at that time, as all efforts went toward treating and saving the leg. Unfortunately, the leg became odorous, and there was a deep tissue infection requiring treatment.
Bella lives with her parents and 4 children, three of whom are on the autistic spectrum scale. She is an emotional comfort dog, calming particularly the eldest child whenever he had a meltdown. It was as if Bella could sense the anguish, and would go to the child to calm him. Bella’s mom is, of course, a stay at home mother. She worked tirelessly to save Bella’s leg. This treatment required daily debridement of the deep lacerations, a painful and painstaking procedure. Bella was not eating or voiding properly, and had to return to the vet on several occasions for IV fluid infusions. After extended home care and vet treatments, it was determined that Bella’s leg would not need amputation, which was a huge gift. However, Bella still could not walk. Despite the hip being “popped” into place 3 times, the procedure would not hold, and it became apparent that she was going to need FHO (“Femoral Head Ostectomy”) surgery on the contralateral hip.

Bella’s lacerations have nearly healed, and she is ready for surgery. Bella’s surgery is scheduled for February 11th with Dr. Culbertson of Town and Country Animal Hospital in Ocala. Below is the estimate for this procedure: